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Find your strength - Achieve your goals

meet Yasemin


Inhale  & Exhale

contact me


The focus is on the connection between body and mind

A thousand-year-old philosophical teaching from India

The goal is harmony of body, mind and soul



Concentration - control - precision

A modern and systematic whole-body training to strengthen the muscles

The aim is to improve your posture by strengthening the muscles



The focus is on passive stretching exercises that are held for more than three minutes

Strengthens and promotes flexibility

Releases blockages in the body, energy can flow again



Inhale & exhale 

Tense & relax 

Mobilize & Stabilize

Movement form based on Yin & Yang to find your own balance. 
Movement and breathing connect body, mind and soul



Never start a business just to make money. Start a business to make a difference.
- Marie Forleo -

Dreamer, believer and a hardworking woman. It is always about the focus. Focus on what you believe in and work hard to get what you want. I believe that you can achieve anything you want in life.

It is always hard to explain yourself, especially when you believe in energies. Words can never describe what the heart can see and feel. Even though I am a studied fashion journalist and writing should be the easiest thing to do – it is not!


I personally just love nice things. Pretty things. Everything that has something to do with beauty and elegance. That’s the reason why I studied fashion journalism and media communication instead of psychology. I love anything that has to do with fashion, art and culture. I love to create.


My mission is to create something great for women and always go out of my comfort zone to grow and feel the challenge in my life. Because great things never come from comfort zones. I decided to do my yoga teacher training and the bodyArt Elite instructor license and started to teach as a group fitness instructor. Very soon I had also a lot of private clients and companies I worked with. After a while my classes got so popular that I started organizing Yoga Retreats all over the world like in Bodrum/Turkey, Princess Island in Istanbul, Mykonos, Kos and other places. I also offered workshops to teach the benefits of Yoga and cooperated with a physio therapist to create `yoga meets physio`.

I believe that there is always the right Yoga, Pilates and Personal Trainer for each person but never one for all! I believe that always the right people will find their way to me, my classes, events and to my online studio!

I am not the typical yoga teacher or Pilates Instructor. I want my students to feel their bodies, experience the movements the way I do, understand why the right performance is so important for their health, for the results of the practice and to feel and see the benefits of the exercises they are doing.

Most of my clients have the biggest trust in me and in all my classes; they follow me with all their love and trust.

But they all travel a lot! That’s why they encouraged me to start my online studio. Most of the time we filmed my privat classes, so my clients can take the videos with them and workout when they are not in town. 

So here we are: train with me anytime, anywhere & whatever you like. Or join me in one of my retreats, workshops or weekly classes at Lake Zurich.

Enjoy your work out, have fun with your training and thank me later

Be the change you want to see in the world! That’s what I was taught!


Love, Yasemin

Yasemin Oyan About
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